Below is a list of some of the services available at West Pymble Dental Surgery, please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding these treatments or to ask about more specific procedures that may not be listed below
Preventative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Oral Examination
Scale & Polish
Fluoride Treatments
Fissure Sealants
Mouth guards
Occlusal Splint (for night grinding/clenching)
Amalgam & Composite Resin Restorations (fillings)
Crowns, Bridges & Veneers
Implant supported crowns
Emergency Nerve Removal
"Get you out of pain" Treatment -
Root Canal Therapy Treatment
Surgical Procedures
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Implant Placement
Bone Graft
Sinus Lift
Coronial Repositioning (gum surgery)
Crown Lengthening
Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic Dentistry
Other Services
In Chair Whitening
At Home Whitening
Filling Replacement
Intravenous Sedation - Administered by an external specialist
Orthodontic Referrals
Anti-Snoring / Sleep Apnoeia Devices